Feeling bored and uninspired in your closet? Try these three tips to stir up some inspiration and create new outfits.

When I start feeling bored and uninspired in my closet and with my style I take a break from social media scrolling and I go back to basics like print magazines, or think about my favorite movies etc. I remember before the social media craze I used to live for the next issue of Style or Glamour. You don’t have to use a fashion magazines, as these are just ideas, but look for style inspiration somewhere different from what you are used to seeing. Pick out some styles that you like and try to replicate them in your closet using items you already have. You may find some new looks you absolutely love and hate!
Try new colors. If you have a sea of black in your closet, challenge yourself to not wear the black and to select items with color from your wardrobe. Wearing black can feel so classic, chic, and slimming but the truth is it can become very boring and uninspiring. If you have never had a color analysis done I highly recommend having one of those done as well to help you experiment with different colors and tones.
Do a mini closet edit and remove pieces that you have not worn in over a year. Yes more is more but with clothing more can be overwhelming and drown out your creativity. If you are saving pieces you haven’t worn in over a year or worse yet from highschool “just in case” get rid of them. When you keep things in your closet that don’t fit you and that you haven’t touched in years you really don’t have a clear picture of what you’re working with. They are taking up space in your closet and they are holding you back from your next level. You will not miss those pieces of clothing hanging in your closet you never touch. Instead you will be able to see more of what you do wear and the creativity will start flowing.
When you take time to play in your closet by trying on clothes and piecing things together the creativity will flow in.